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Clock Hour Information

General Clock Hour Information-WWPS Only

  1. An approved program offering must:
    • Have specific goals and objectives
    • Be one hour or more in duration
    • Have a program agenda
    • Be provided by a presenter who has appropriate expertise in the subject area or field of study
    • Be appropriate for the continuing professional development of educators
    • Have an evaluation plan to determine the extent to which the objectives outlined in the proposal are met
  2. Clock hour proposals must be received at least 10 days prior to the beginning of the proposed program.
  3. Clock hour programs may be held over a series of days. Example: A 10-clock hour credit course may be 10 one-hour sessions, 5 two-hour sessions, etc. Program offerings are to be credited in increments rounded down to the nearest l/2 hour.
  4. Walla Walla School District employees receive in-district clock hours for free.  Participants from other school districts must pay a processing fee of $3.00 per clock hour credit received.

How to Request Clock Hour Approval-WWPS Only

To request clock hour approval please complete the Clock Hour Proposal Form. If you have any questions, please contact Shari Strickland at