Professional Development
Welcome to Professional Learning. Walla Walla Public Schools is committed to ensuring success for all students through high-quality professional learning opportunities. Our program is based on the belief that staff members are learners who continually improve their performance.
As stated in the Mission Statement for our 2017-2022 Strategic Plan, Walla Walla Public Schools ensures all students receive high-quality instruction in an aligned and coherent system while addressing their social and emotional needs in a safe and engaging environment.
High-quality instruction is supported by a district-wide culture in which all instructional staff:
- Analyze student data,
- Reflect on their practice,
- Collaborate with their peers, and
- Incorporate best-practice teaching strategies to ensure high levels of learning for all students
The Professional Learning section of the website is designed to provide district personnel with an easy-to-use guide to professional learning courses and events. Please contact us in the Teaching & Learning Department if you have any questions or concerns.