Field Trips
The purposes of these procedures are to help ensure the safety of all students, staff and volunteers.
Field trips are defined as travel away from school premises, under the supervision of an employee, with an approved course of study, for the purpose of affording students a direct learning experience not available in the classroom and/or on campus. Transportation to and from the site will be via approved district transportation, secured by the district on the students’ behalf (e.g. train, air, or other travel), or may require walking to and from the desired site.
A field trip is considered school-sponsored if district or ASB funds pay for the activity, it is part of the educational process, or it is supervised or staffed by school employee(s) under their official role. A field trip is considered non-school sponsored if no school funds are used, the activity is not part of or an extension to a class or school activity, the school/district is not named in promotional materials, the district is not responsible for supervision, and the field trip does not occur during school hours (see guidelines below for non-school sponsored trips/activities).
Guidelines for School-Sponsored Field Trips/Activities
- Principal/Administrator approval must be sought and received prior to any communication to students and/or families about the proposed trip.
- The supervising staff member must contact the field trip destination site(s) to make specific arrangements for the field trip so that the desired activity can be coordinated with the classroom and/or learning activities.
- The supervising staff member must complete and submit the “Preliminary Approval Form” to the school principal and/or supervisor at least four weeks prior to the field trip. Trips involving higher risk activities, overnight, out of state (excluding Umatilla County, Oregon), and out of country trips must be submitted at least six weeks prior to the trip and must be approved by the Assistant Superintendent.
- Once approved, the supervising staff member must coordinate with the appropriate front office secretary to arrange for required transportation accommodations with the Transportation Department through Trip Direct (no personal/private transportation is permitted for school-sponsored field trips per board policy 6625).
- The supervising staff member is responsible for arranging food service needs once the trip has been approved. If provided by WWPS, please place the order with the Kitchen Manager at least two weeks prior to the field trip
- The supervising staff member is responsible for securing and coordinating additional adult supervision for the trip (one adult to a maximum of ten students). Additional exceptions for higher-risk, overnight, out of state, and out of country trips may be made by the Assistant Superintendent based on the following components of the trip.
A. Distance from the school and the ability to provide additional support for emergencies or unexpected circumstances.
B. Age and maturity level of the students.
C. Nature of the event including duration, environment, and the proximity to other adult supervisors.
- Each student participating in a field trip must receive a “Parent/Guardian Field Trip Description and Itinerary” (English)(Spanish) and return a signed “Parent/Guardian Field Trip Permission Consent Form" (English) (Spanish).
- Downloadable copy of the above-referenced procedures
- Preliminary Field Trip Approval Form
- Parent Guardian Itinerary Form: English | Spanish
- Parent/Guardian Field Trip Permission/Emergency Information/Informed Consent Form: English | Spanish
Other Forms:
- Volunteer Disclosure Statement: English | Spanish
- Washington State Patrol Request for Criminal History Information: English | Spanish
- Guidelines for Volunteer Field Trip Chaperones: English | Spanish
- Field Trip Transportation Release Form: English | Spanish
Guidelines for Non-School Sponsored Trips/Activities
Staff members who organize student travel for non-school sponsored trips/activities (e.g. EF Tours, Brightspark, ACIS) shall review and comply with the following:
- All trip correspondence or advertisement must state that the school district does not endorse or sponsor such travel. The District recognizes the rights of an individual employee to engage in these activities for profit or nonprofit. All notices must be consistent with time, place, and manner of other non-district notices.
- The planning and fundraising for the travel may not interfere with the employee’s effectiveness or assigned responsibilities and are not to be conducted during the school day or contracted time.
- Any meetings held on school district property shall abide by Walla Walla School District’s Facility Use Agreement.
- The Walla Walla School District will assume no financial contribution or obligation for the trip. Funds are not to be collected at school and cannot be deposited with the school or ASB funds.
- Individuals are responsible for their own insurance coverage.
- No school district supplies may be used to promote the trip/activity.
For questions, please visit with your site/program administrator, or contact Chris Gardea:
Chris Gardea
Assistant Superintendent
Human Resources
(509) 526-6711