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The Assessment department of Walla Walla Public Schools, in conjunction with the Teachning and Learning department, coordinates assessment and evaluation efforts in the district.  We are committed to using assessment data from multiple sources to assure student learning and to modify our instructional programs. The administration of classroom, district, and state assessments provides data for the educational data-driven decision-making process.

Three overarching goals guide the assessment practices in Walla Walla Public Schools:

  1. Our assessments will assess and monitor student progress and achievement over time while using multiple measures.
  2. Our assessments will guide staff to Identify the needs of individual students:
    • To ensure appropriate program placement, and
    • To ensure appropriate interventions.
  3. Our assessments will be used to determine the effectiveness of instructional programs and to make modifications where appropriate.

Spring 2024 State Assessment Information

As we approach the state testing window, we want to remind families of the importance of the annual state assessments, and share what our teachers have been doing to support students in being prepared to show their best work on the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) and Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS).

SBA assessments and their importance 

The Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) are made up of a set of standardized tests designed to evaluate student proficiency in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. These assessments, and WCAS, help us learn more about students’ critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and the application of knowledge in practical scenarios. For high school students, passing these assessments can fulfill a graduation requirement. The data also gives us feedback on our overall performance as a school district. 

Interim Assessments Blocks to support student success

All classes in grades 3-10 in ELA and math have been using Interim Assessments to support students in practicing the format and content they will see on the SBA. The interim assessments are a smaller version of the SBA. Teachers can use the data they get from student answers to provide additional instruction and support prior to the high stakes full SBA.

“We don’t want the first time the student’s see this high stakes test to be the day of the SBA,” says our assessment coordinator, Chris Schumacher. ”We want it to be something that our students are used to and comfortable with, so that we can help set them up for success.”

Fewer testing days

Based on feedback from students and staff, we are reducing the number of days dedicated to testing and ensuring students have more instructional days leading up to state testing. Thus, our testing window has been shifted to the end of May for most schools and grade levels.

It is crucial to ensure students are present during the testing window.  Any student absent on their school's testing day will need to make up the test during the state-established testing window before the school year is over. To minimize the time your child might need to spend making up missed testing days, we need your support to ensure your child is on time and present each day. 

Helpful tips for testing days

Establish a Positive Routine: Please make sure  your child gets a good night's sleep and arrives at school on time. All students can receive a free breakfast, so being on time ensures they have a nutritious meal before testing. 

Have a Positive Attitude: Encourage your child, and let them know that they have been preparing for this assessment throughout the school year. Remind them to have a positive mindset, and focus on showcasing their learning. We just ask that they do their best. 

Come Prepared: For middle and high school students, make sure your student comes to school with a charged Chromebook.

SBA/WCAS Schedules

Staff Contacts

Chris Schumacher
District Assessment Coordinator

Ivonne Salas Frayre
Bilingual Assessment Head Secretary

Assessment Information & Results

Assessment Resources