Dual Immersion Program
Dual Language Program Video
Dual Immersion Program Application
Learning Activities / Actividades de Aprendizaje
What is Dual Immersion Program?
Dual Language is a form of bilingual education in which students receive instruction in two languages. Dual immersion programs in Walla Walla integrate English dominant students with Spanish dominant students, to achieve bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural outcomes for all.
Why Dual Language?
- The ability to develop the highest level of proficiency in a second language is greater if you start at an early age.
- Research indicates that dual immersion students typically outperform English dominant students in the classroom by the end of their elementary years.
- Students develop proficiency in both languages and have increased cultural awareness. The ability to interpret crosscultural interactions is crucial in today’s world.
- Students benefit from the ability to communicate with people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
- Students receive instruction that prepares them to be eligible for the Seal of Biliteracy.
What are the characteristics of the program?
- Academic instruction is delivered in English and Spanish.
- The instructional model begins in Kindergarten with 80% of instruction in Spanish.
- As students progress through grades, the amount of English instruction increases.
- Students learn to read and write in Spanish first.
- Teachers use a predetermined language depending on the subject.
- Program, curricular, and instructional decisions are based on current research.
- A bilingual, biliterate and bicultural environment is supported and encouraged.
- Rigorous core academic curriculum is aligned to Washington State Learning Standards.
- In the dual language program, student progress towards grade level standards for each subject is typically measured in the target language of instruction.
Goals of the Program
- Bilingualism and biliteracy.
- High academic achievement in both program languages.
- Sociocultural competence.
Frequently Asked Questions...
As a parent, how can I help my child in a dual immersion setting?
- Continue reading to your child in the language spoken at home.
- Maintain close communication with your child’s teacher about progress and ways to support at home.
- Be patient and enthusiastic. It takes time for a child to feel comfortable in a classroom setting being taught in a different language.
- Be a learner yourself and celebrate bilingualism as a family.
How do we enroll our child?
If entering kinder, fill out the dual application online and register your child in the WWPS District. If not entering kinder, please contact our office.
Where can I find more information about the program?
- Online: Dual Language Programs
- By Phone: 509-526-6787
Participating Schools
- Edison Elementary - 80:20 model
- Green Park Elementary - 80:20 model
Middle School Course Options
- Garrison - (2) course offerings
- Pioneer - (2) course offerings
More Information:
- Dr. Julie Perron, Director
Equity & Dual Programs
Walla Walla Public Schools
364 S. Park St., Walla Walla, WA
Office: 509-527-3000
Email: jperron@wwps.org
website: www.wwps.org - Center of Applied Linguistics website: www.cal.org
- Colorín Colorado website: www.colorincolorado.org
- National Association for Bilingual Education website: www.nabe.org
- The Association of Two-Way and Dual Language Education website: www.atdle.org
Important Background Information
Learn more about district Dual Language changes by clicking HERE.