
Middle School Spanish classes and soccer proposed for next year

webmssoccerSpanish classes and soccer top list to proposed new Middle School offerings for next year
Area middle school students and parents take notice as your high school and beyond plans begin at Garrison and Pioneer Middle Schools. In an effort to remain competitive in today’s global society and continue to offer students opportunity, challenge and adventure, several exciting new programs are being proposed for next school year, including Spanish classes for students in grades 6 to 8 and boys and girls competitive soccer.

“The demand for these programs and activities surfaced during our Strategic Plan stakeholder input gathering sessions,” said Superintendent Wade Smith. “Our vision is to Develop Washington’s Most Sought-After Graduates.”

Proposed for next year:
- More Electives (Spanish, STEM and Technology)
- Coordinated Bilingual Programs
- Additional Honors and Advanced Classes
- Earn More High School Credits
- Competitive Middle School Soccer (Boys and Girls)

Garrison and Pioneer Middle Schools offer a comprehensive learning experience which includes a variety of exciting and challenging electives.
- Exploratory Engineering
- Band
- Drama
- Art
- Orchestra 
- Consumer Science
- Choir
- AVID/Leadership
- Computer Aided Drafting

The whole child is considered at Garrison and Pioneer Middle Schools prompting the district to offer vast After School Programs:
- Academic labs
- 21st Century STEM programs
- cross country
- volleyball
- basketball
- football
- wrestling
- track
- tennis
- baseball
- softball
- soccer–proposed

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